




Our senses are limited.

Things exist which we can not see, hear, smell, touch, taste or think of.

Life is a dream-like prison.

We generally come to believe in it as complete and all-in-all.

That is the illusion.

In the true reality, life is so vast and huge that "we" actually don't exist.

To realise what this website is saying, one will have to die.

But since one is scared of death, one may not understand this website.

Learning is a process of the death of the old and the birth of the new.

Untill the new is the same as the old.

Again and again and again.

For eternity.


This website teaches one how to die a little every moment and, so, be free of death.

The website tries to scientifically define God.
(Not an easy task.)

It also tries to redefine various other definitions of life so as to make life more understandable and appreciable.

Thus, the website tries to open people's limited, self-centered minds to the unlimited concepts of truth, infinity, beauty, happiness, peace and power.

Proceed only if one is really prepared to benefit from pain and is interested in discovering the "Supreme Cosmic Law" for oneself.





