


There are two kinds of people:

Those who believe in God and those who don't.

It is better to not believe in God than to believe in It doubtfully.

If you believe in God then you must know that God is looking after you.

In Its own mysterious way, It is guiding you towards Itself.

Every "good" and "bad" situation is God's test for you to find out about, and build, your character.

If you get what you want, remember that it is a test of God.

If things are not going the way you want them to, remember that it is a test of God and be convinced that God has a better plan for you in Its mind.

If you believe in God then you must trust It.

You must KNOW that, in the end, all that matters is how you react to situations.

You must KNOW that in the end, after you die, all will be ok with you if you have been good, strong and courageous.

If you DON'T ENJOY the "good" situation and DON'T GRIEVE in the "bad" situation, then you have reacted correctly.

The trick is to be neutral and completely trust God.

Complete surrender to that Power is required.

This complete, complete, complete trust in God is called "Faith".

The more you believe in God, the more that Faith grows in your heart.

The more your Faith grows in your heart, the more your belief gets stronger.

You must KNOW deep down in your heart that all is going to be ok.

You must tightly hold God's finger and go through life.


We are all God's children and God loves us all.

You must love God in return too.

You must love all people, plants and animals.

You must believe.

You must know.

Remember that:



