



“Goddeathism” is a religion initiated and propagated by this website. It is the cumulative culmination of all religions and their search for the Supreme Power called Goddeath (God + Death). Since that Supreme Power generates and destroys, it is called Goddeath by the website. According to the website there is only a single Supreme Power which is also known by many names just like God, Allah, Jehuvah, Bhagwan, Holy Spirit, Tao, Ahura Mazda, Siddha, Ngai, Wakonda, Amaterasu, the-Aten, Pure Land, Divine Will, Supreme Being, Universal Law and many, many more.
The website digitally defines Goddeath as "Eternal Supraconsciousness".


There exist as many religions as there are human beings. Since all humans are equal, all religions are equal too. Goddeathism embraces all religions. Goddeathism is like a large palace with a trillion doors and windows where each door and window is a religion leading to the throne on which Goddeath sits. Goddeath is loving, merciful, unfathomable, infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, deadly and all knowledge pervading. It is the basis of the Unified Field Theory where electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism and gravity coexist. It does have a spiritual field called, by the website, as the “THEO-GODO-ZENTAO” which sustains energy, matter, space-time and all activity-inactivity interplay within it.


In Goddeathism, all Religions are One, all Scriptures are its Scriptures, all Colors are One, all Tribes are One, all Castes are One, all Creeds are One, Motherhood is the highest virtue, Children are the Fathers of Man, Prayer is essentially the only constant occupation (each breath is a prayer and the pause between each breath is the throne of Goddeath), Truth is power and the only way, Death is a transition, Eternity is the only Truth, Loneliness is the only test, Knowledge is the only bliss, Ego is the only evil, Family is the only comfort, Self-sacrifice is the only strength, Restrain is the only courage, Righteousness is the only attitude, Humanism is the only moral law, Goodness is the only action and the only reaction, Defense is the only Offence, The Periodic Table is the main format of worship, Innocence is beauty, Service is duty, Work is deliverance, Silence is golden, Respect is honor, Meditation on "Goddeath" principles is the path, Empathy is a must, Weekly fasting is essential, Equality is justice, Equanimity is intelligence, Life is a ritual, Body is a prison, Pain is the source, Work is Love and Love is the only power and goal.


Anyone can become a Goddeathist anytime without any official ceremony. All he/she has to do is to believe in one Supreme Power common to and sustaining all living beings (including plants). The Goddeathist can retain his/her original religion too. For example, if a Christian becomes a Goddeathist then he/she can proclaim to be a Christian-Goddeathist. He/she can continue to follow practices and rituals of the original religion (in this example: Christianity) without any change. The only change needed is the shift in mental attitude towards the oneness of all living beings, the oneness of their various religions, the realization that all places are places of worship and are equal in quality, that energy rules the Universe and that each living body is the home of Goddeath which resides in the hearts of all living beings.


A Goddeathist spends his/her life like a common human in society but in the total pursuit of the realization of the self via the “Soul-Heart-Body-Head-Mind” Metaphysiolosophy (the Metaphysics, Physiology and Philosophy) of Life and in the practice of Energy-Body, Body-Energy, Vital-Body, Vital-Energy, Astral-Body, Astral-Energy, Cosmic-Body and Cosmic-Energy principles of being.


A Goddeathist has no dress code and no ritual (except breathing), that is to say that, a Goddeathist adopts all dress codes and all rituals equally, as and when life presents them to him/her. A Goddeathist can have multiple wives/husbands if he/she can physically sustain all of them but he/she is forbidden to have physical and mental relations outside his/her marriages. In Goddeathism, social-service is a must, abortion is not a taboo, Mutually-consented Unisex Marriages are not prohibited, Stealing is punishable by imprisonment, Calculated Murder is punishable by death, Rape is punishable by live public Rape, Abuse and Slander are punishable by live public Abuse, Corruption is punishable by live nude flogging and disownership of all valuables, Kidnapping is punishable by cutting off limbs, Evil Thoughts are punishable by chastisement, Gambling is forbidden, Moderate Drinking and Smoking is allowed, Honesty is to die for, Charity is a divine blessing, Riches and Poverty are examinations, Neurotically addictive drugs are a taboo, Helping Others and Kindness are a factual necessities and Meat-eating or Animal Sacrifices are allowed only when the Goddeathist realizes that he/she too will get sacrificed mercilessly some day and only when he/she is always, always, ever-willing to sacrifice himself/herself laughingly, emotionlessly at anytime when any-every occasion arises that demands it even fleetingly.


The website does not need people to openly proclaim that they have converted to Goddeathism. As long as people have Pain in their soul, Peace in their heart, Bliss in their body, Selflessness of Being in their head and Love in their mind, the website is content with this religion having "no official followers".



