


It is true people!

Even though this website stands upon the spiritual vibe of love as its solid ground, yet this website is not a "dot org" (.org) or a "dot edu" (.edu)!

This website is a "dot com" (.com)!!!

That means that the website wishes its valued customer audience to invest their money into website's "bonds", and thus become site sponsors, as the site shares its business cashflow churnout (via an integrated finance model) with and to the faithful customer audience believers of this physical-metachemistry way of life.

Also, since their is a "daku" within each of us, individual digital daku bond identities shall make each sponsor a "daku" in concept and then each "daku" (sponsor) shall proudly belong to the world-wide daku service network!

This exciting "Learn & Earn" investment finance scheme shall be launched for our beloved customer audience believers in the near glorious future!

So stay surfed in and practice what-so-ever sense you gain from the site.

We assure you that what you attain from the website by the practice of the daku principles of life, shall "pay" you much more than what we and all the investment companies put together can ever do in our whole lives!

And soon from this website, by the by the by, you shall be able to make monetary profit too.

So breathe from your nose, stay hooked and stay gooked to this body-walk called life!

Till death do us apart!!!


(The website plans to go public in the very near future.)

(Those venture finance capitalists who think that this site will be popular with the masses, may kindly "D"-mail us to rainbow@dakurajsingh.com for enabling their whole hearted, non-profit monetary support.)

(The venture capitalists will get online and offline publicity as promoters of heaven in the Corporate Heaven sublink.
