

"The demoniac person thinks:

'So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes.
So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more.

He is my enemy, and I have killed him, and my other enemies will also be killed.
I am the lord of everything. I am the enjoyer.
I am perfect powerful and happy.

I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives.
There is none so powerful and happy as I am.
I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice.'

In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance.

Thus perplexed by various anxieties and bound by a network of illusions, they become too strongly attached to sense enjoyment and fall down into hell."

Lord Krishna to prince Arjuna in "THE BHAGAVAD GITA", chapter 16, verses 13-16.
