


"I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of the Qu'ran which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness."

Napolean Bonaparte


"I have always held the religion of Prophet Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age."

George Bernard Shaw


"Our use of phrase 'The Dark Ages' to cover the period from 699 to 1000 marks our undue concentration on Western Europe...
From India to Spain, the brilliant civilization of Islam flourished. What was lost to Christendom at this time was not lost to civilisation, but quite the contrary...
To us it seems that West-European civilisation is civilisation, but this is a narrow view."

Bertrand Russell


"The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behaviour, and inspire people with nobility and tolerance...
Islam is replete with gentleness, courtesy, and fraternity."

H. G. Wells


"The tolerance within the body of Islam was something without parallel in history; class and race and colour ceasing altoghter to be barriers."

Sir John Bagot Blubb


Courtesy: "Sacred Space" - The Times Of India.